Long Term Curriculum Map

There is a clear rationale behind our ambitious curriculum and careful thought and planning has gone into each of our three termly projects to allow for concept progression and links. Years 1 to 6, take part in a project that is either History, Geography or Science based. In Terms 1 and 2 (Discover), we will delve into a History themed project, in Terms 3 and 4 (Investigate), the children’s projects will be Geography focussed and in Terms 5 and 6 (Explore)  the children will learn through Science, Technology, Maths and Engineering.
All other subjects (except for SMSC, RE, PE, Primary Languages and Science) are paired up and taught in alternative terms , this ensures we offer a broad and balanced curriculum. It also takes full advantage of our locality and in selecting our areas of study, we consider our local area; what it is now and what it has been through history and how our city and its surroundings have been shaped over time.

Pupils also study ‘bigger’ concepts such as migration and civilisation and using their knowledge organisers are able to revisit their prior learning year upon year. There is also a bigger emphasis on vocabulary and reading between subjects. This is so that pupils are clear in the meanings of level 3 tier, technical vocabulary that they are learning about, but are then able to able to apply it in other areas of the curriculum. Each term, children will then apply that term’s knowledge and skill to a project or an extended piece of writing/essay.

‘All children should study a broad and rich curriculum. Schools are doing a disservice to their pupils if they are only focussing on English and maths. Experiences and skills gained from the foundation subjects (including Humanities, Art, DT, PE and Music) provide children with a rich variety of knowledge, taking them one step closer to understanding the complex world in which we live.’

– Amanda Spielman Ofsted Chief Inspector of Education, Children’s Services and Skills

We expect learning to have context, with rich learning opportunities that link to and build upon previous learning to enable children to develop transferable knowledge and skills. We pride ourselves on offering all Educational Visits and Trips free of charge for all families, to ensure we provide enriching, firsthand experiences to all children.

Our Concept Based Curriculum Map integrates built in opportunities, much like our Educational Trips and Visits, that allow us to go out into the local community and implement the school’s values, as outlined in the ethos statement; going out into the world and do well, but more importantly go out into the world and do good.

The impact of our curriculum will be seen not only in measurable attainment and progress but that Tor Bridge Primary School creates polite, well-mannered caring members of our school community who Thrive, Believe, Persevere and Succeed.