Meet the Governors
The Local Governing Body
Local Governing Body Meeting Attendance 2022-24
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Harriet Davis – Chair
Harriet is the Chair of Governors at Tor Bridge Primary. She is the founder of Show Up, has worked in the Education sector for many years. Show Up was set up in order to give as many children as possible access to quality Arts education. Show Up gives weekly drama workshops to classes in South West England including right here at Tor Bridge Primary School. Before founding Show Up, Harriet was a Secondary School Drama Teacher for many years and through her love of drama, language and all things creative is already making a real difference the pupils here at Tor Bridge Primary.

Laura Ferran – Vice Chair
Laura Ferran is the Vice Chair of Governors at Tor Bridge Primary. An Ilsham English Hub literacy specialist and Early Years Leader at the Learning Academy Partnership is committed to the development of Phonics and Early Reading at Tor Bridge Primary School. Laura’s extensive and expert knowledge and understanding in the area of Early Reading will continue to ensure the very best for our pupils when beginning their reading journey with us at Tor Bridge. Laura’s rigorous monitoring of the implementation and impact of Phonics has led to improved pupil progress.

Rachael Davison
Rachael has significant expertise in education having spent several years as an English Teacher and Leader, Oracy Leader and most recently as a Head of School within a secondary setting. Rachael also supports Year 6 – Year 7 transitions across the city and brings a wealth of knowledge to the Local Governing Body at Tor Bridge.

Tracey Edwards
Tracey is the Lead Playworker at Tor Bridge Primary School and represents the Support Staff as a Staff Governor. Tracey is key member of the school community, ensuring that the wrap around care provided to our pupils and their families is of the highest quality. Tracey is fully committed to managing a team of hard-working and supportive Playworkers, overseeing whole school initiatives and ensuring that healthy eating, Oracy and behaviour are well-promoted and supported during less structured times of the school day.

Coral Cox
Coral is the Year 4 Class Teacher at Tor Bridge Primary School and the KS2 Unit Leader. She represents the Teachers as a Staff Governor. Coral is a key member of the school community and runs a successful Digital Leader group within the school as well as taking the lead for Computing and Online Safety.

Aaron Meredith
Aaron, Executive Headteacher of Tor Bridge Primary School and CEO of The Inspire Multi Academy Trust (South West), was appointed when Tor Bridge Primary School was deemed to be requiring special measures in September 2019. In April 2013, Aaron was seconded part time for two years to open Devon’s first primary free school, Marine Academy Primary; the academy became the south west’s first ‘Outstanding’ free school in June 2015. In February 2018, Aaron was designated as a National Leader in Education (NLE).

Olivia Bartlett
Olivia, is currently the Acting Headteacher at Ernesettle Community School as well as the Trust Education Leader. She has over 13 years teaching experience across Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. Olivia is fully committed to ensuring the school strives to provide an outstanding primary education to every pupil, in order to improve their life chances. Olivia is currently the Lead Moderator for the Local Authority and has been part of the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 moderation teams for the last 9 years. Olivia successfully completed the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH) in 2022.

Nicola Cardew
Nicola, is currently the Acting Head of School at Ernesettle Community School as well as the Trust Early Reading Leader. Nicola is a committed and passionate member of the team who is determined in ensuring that all children become fluent readers developing a life long love of reading. She has a long and varied career in the profession having taught across all Key Stages in various roles. Nicola has significant strengths in the Early Years and ensures all children have a strong start to their education upon entry to our school.

Cara Norton-Tait
Cara is a Parent at Tor Bridge Primary School, therefore taking a vested interest in the school and the futures of the children who attend our setting. Cara has experience working withing Early Years settings as well as experience in family support work providing a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Local Governing Body. Cara is passionate about education and relishes the opportunity to support our school’s vision and values.

Hannah Adams
Hannah is a Parent at Tor Bridge Primary School, wishing to provide a good role model for her son, take an active interest in the school and help shape the path for the children’s futures.

Angela Treseder
Angela is the Clerk to governors for Tor Bridge Primary School and is also the school Administrator. She is an enthusiastic, welcoming and friendly member of staff who is committed to the Trust.